
Dear DTC Customers




Dear Valued Customers -

Over the last 12 years, it has been our pleasure to share the beauty of Appalachian food with you. From behind the counter and in front of the stove we watched our lives whizz by, our neighbourhood develop and our city change. It has truly been our delight to prepare your picnics and be your place of celebration, weekly take-out spot and delivery choice year after year. We always wanted to be a ‘neighbourhood spot’ – we were lucky to get to know a lot of our customers very well, to see their lives evolve & change and children grow up, and it has been an absolute privilege to do so. Although we were unable to find the words to respond, please know how deeply touched we were by your posts and messages over the last few of months. It really meant a lot to us to know how much people cared. We are sorry we didn’t get a chance to say goodbye in person but it would have been too difficult.

The last months have been spent deep in reflection and we have come to the difficult but necessary decision to close Dinette Triple Crown permanently. 2022 took a lot out of us. In 2023, it became clear the restaurant we built and want no longer fits into this current world. For those who know Triple Crown - who know us - know how impossible this decision would have been for us. If we could go back, there are definitely things we would have done differently, but so much we would keep exactly the same - making this outcome perhaps inevitable.

We have spent a lifetime of work at St. Zotique and Clark  – we are incredibly proud of what we accomplished, the philosophy by which we ran our business, the work environment we created, the transparency under which we operated, and most of all, the people who we worked alongside with who we will miss dearly. While there has been many incredible cooks, servers, drivers and dishwashers that have graced our kitchen and dining room, there are a few with whom Dinette Triple Crown would not have been possible:

To Deirdre – The depth of my thanks to you is really hard to put into words because its roots go so much deeper than just the ‘job.’ For years, I have felt that you might be the only person that actually sees me and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that. But beyond that, you are a consummate professional, incredibly hard worker, that could hold down the ups and downs of our giant operation like no one else and it has been a true privilege working alongside you all these years.

To Thomas – You have that ever so rare combination in our industry: great kindness matched with great talent. You breathed so much life into Triple Crown during the time you spent with us. You are good people to your core & hope your next kitchen appreciates you as much as we did.

To Sam – Over all these years, we watched you grow as a person and as a cook. You are one of the only people who Colin ever fully entrusted biscuit making to - a maker surely of even more great things to come.

To Anis & Walid – You were the only part of the business we genuinely never had to worry about and for that we will never be able to express fully our gratitude. To our drivers past and present - you are the nicest group of friends we have ever met; it was really a delight getting to know you all over the years.

To Dan – We couldn’t have done it without you; time will sort out what memories I hold onto.

Once again, thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all your generous support over the years! It truly has been quite the ride -

Colin & Nicole

PS. If anyone still needs a re-stock on their supply of Peach & Habanero Hot Sauce, ordering will be available through our webpage soon and we will post via social media to let people know when and how!

We would have loved to have gone on forever (25.05.2024)